The first Thermal Master Class has been so successful that I've been working on the next video in the series, the Thermal Soaring Master Class #2. I do need your help though!
I'm asking all of my thousands of customers to help me get this film made. All you need to do is to simply pre-order this new video as soon as you can. You'll be getting another highly educational video to improve your own skills but you will also be helping me to make another video which will benefit soaring pilots all over the world. For me, it's always been about spreading the passion and knowledge of R/C soaring far and wide.
You can pre-order the Thermal Soaring Master Class #2 for only $16.95, Digital or DVD editions. You do have the option of paying just $5.00 more to support us, click the Beloved Patron radio button to improve your Karma.
I'm also going to give all those who pre-order this new project access to some exclusive video content I'm making just for you special supporters.
Click Here to read about & pre-order the Digital Edition
Click Here to read about & pre-order the DVD Edition
And for those of you who have not yet purchased the first Thermal Soaring program, I'm offering a great deal if you order both videos together, just $29.95 for Digital or the DVD editions.
Click Here to order the Thermal Master Class Digital set
Click Here to order the Thermal Master Class DVD set
Thanks! - Paul Naton Radio Carbon Art